Au Revoir Québec!

The Québec trip is already over!  We had a great 4 days in the city of Québec learning about the history and life of people in the province of Québec.  We had a great time with our guide Nathalie and we ate some great French and Québec food.  Some of us might have also eaten at McDonald’s in Québec but that’s another story.  So, if you were on the trip, what was your favorite part?

Allons Au Québec

A week from now, we will be half way to Québec City for our 4 day trip!  I am excited and nervous at the same time.  I want everyone to have a wonderful time and remain safe, healthy and excited while we are there!  3 nights in a very nice hotel, lots of Québec style food and tons of history to learn while we are there.  If you have been on this trip before, please leave your comments about what you thought of the trip.