Independence Day

Here in the US, we celebrate July 4th as the day America gained independence from England.  We have fireworks, cookouts (barbeques) in the back yard, and all sorts of parades and concerts, depending where you live.  In France, July 14th is their independence daym called Jour de La Bastille.  As I recall, in Belgium it is July 21st of 22nd but I forget the name.

What are your Independence Day traditions?  Do you always go to a certain family’s cookout?  Can’t wait to see the fireworks?  Do you watch or actually participate in a parade?  Do you wear red, white and blue?  Ever made one of those cakes with Cool Whip and berries to make it look like the American flag?

I don’t really have a tradition. Sometimes I go to see the fireworks but it’s tough with traffic and parking and you have to get there really early.  Then when it’s time to leave, it’s a really long wait.  Sometimes I get invited to cookouts and other times I’m the one who hosts.  My friends and I haven’t really set up a July 4th routine!  This year, we will go to a cookout for a friend whose one year old son will celebrate his first birthday.  He’ll always have lots of fun for his birthday parties because it’s July 5th, so there’s always going to be cookouts and parades for his special day!